Posterior Meta-Replay for Continual Learning

by   Christian Henning, et al.

Continual Learning (CL) algorithms have recently received a lot of attention as they attempt to overcome the need to train with an i.i.d. sample from some unknown target data distribution. Building on prior work, we study principled ways to tackle the CL problem by adopting a Bayesian perspective and focus on continually learning a task-specific posterior distribution via a shared meta-model, a task-conditioned hypernetwork. This approach, which we term Posterior-replay CL, is in sharp contrast to most Bayesian CL approaches that focus on the recursive update of a single posterior distribution. The benefits of our approach are (1) an increased flexibility to model solutions in weight space and therewith less susceptibility to task dissimilarity, (2) access to principled task-specific predictive uncertainty estimates, that can be used to infer task identity during test time and to detect task boundaries during training, and (3) the ability to revisit and update task-specific posteriors in a principled manner without requiring access to past data. The proposed framework is versatile, which we demonstrate using simple posterior approximations (such as Gaussians) as well as powerful, implicit distributions modelled via a neural network. We illustrate the conceptual advance of our framework on low-dimensional problems and show performance gains on computer vision benchmarks.


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