Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement Learning

by   Abhinav Verma, et al.

We study the problem of generating interpretable and verifiable policies through reinforcement learning. Unlike the popular Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) paradigm, in which the policy is represented by a neural network, the aim in Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement Learning is to find a policy that can be represented in a high-level programming language. Such programmatic policies have the benefits of being more easily interpreted than neural networks, and being amenable to verification by symbolic methods. We propose a new method, called Neurally Directed Program Search (NDPS), for solving the challenging nonsmooth optimization problem of finding a programmatic policy with maxima reward. NDPS works by first learning a neural policy network using DRL, and then performing a local search over programmatic policies that seeks to minimize a distance from this neural "oracle". We evaluate NDPS on the task of learning to drive a simulated car in the TORCS car-racing environment. We demonstrate that NDPS is able to discover human-readable policies that pass some significant performance bars. We also find that a well-designed policy language can serve as a regularizer, and result in the discovery of policies that lead to smoother trajectories and are more easily transferred to environments not encountered during training.


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