PSA-Net: Deep Learning based Physician Style-Aware Segmentation Network for Post-Operative Prostate Cancer Clinical Target Volume

by   Anjali Balagopal, et al.

Automatic segmentation of medical images with DL algorithms has proven to be highly successful. With most of these algorithms, inter-observer variation is an acknowledged problem, leading to sub-optimal results. This problem is even more significant in post-operative clinical target volume (post-op CTV) segmentation due to the absence of macroscopic visual tumor in the image. This study, using post-op CTV segmentation as the test bed, tries to determine if physician styles are consistent and learnable, if there is an impact of physician styles on treatment outcome and toxicity; and how to explicitly deal with physician styles in DL algorithms to facilitate its clinical acceptance. A classifier is trained to identify which physician has contoured the CTV from just the contour and corresponding CT scan, to determine if physician styles are consistent and learnable. Next, we evaluate if adapting automatic segmentation to physician styles would be clinically feasible based on a lack of difference between outcomes. For modeling different physician styles of CTV segmentation, a concept called physician style-aware (PSA) segmentation is proposed which is an encoder-multidecoder network trained with perceptual loss. With the proposed physician style-aware network (PSA-Net), Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) accuracy increases on an average of 3.4 from a general model that is not style adapted. We show that stylistic contouring variations also exist between institutions that follow the same segmentation guidelines and show the effectiveness of the proposed method in adapting to new institutional styles. We observed an accuracy improvement of 5 in terms of DSC when adapting to the style of a separate institution.


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