Recent progress on scaling algorithms and applications

by   Ankit Garg, et al.

Scaling problems have a rich and diverse history, and thereby have found numerous applications in several fields of science and engineering. For instance, the matrix scaling problem has had applications ranging from theoretical computer science to telephone forecasting, economics, statistics, optimization, among many other fields. Recently, a generalization of matrix scaling known as operator scaling has found applications in non-commutative algebra, invariant theory, combinatorics and algebraic complexity; and a further generalization (tensor scaling) has found more applications in quantum information theory, geometric complexity theory and invariant theory. In this survey, we will describe in detail the scaling problems mentioned above, showing how alternating minimization algorithms naturally arise in this setting, and we shall present a general framework to rigorously analyze such algorithms. These simple problems and algorithms are not just applicable to diverse mathematical and CS areas, but also serve to bring out deep connections between them. As this framework makes extensive use of concepts from invariant theory, we also provide a very gentle introduction to basic concepts of invariant theory and how they are used to analyze alternating minimization algorithms for the scaling problems. This survey is intended for a general computer science audience, and the only background required is basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra, thereby making it accessible to graduate students and even to advanced undergraduates.


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