ReviewViz: Assisting Developers Perform Empirical Study on Energy Consumption Related Reviews for Mobile Applications

by   Mohammad Abdul Hadi, et al.

Improving the energy efficiency of mobile applications is a topic that has gained a lot of attention recently. It has been addressed in a number of ways such as identifying energy bugs and developing a catalog of energy patterns. Previous work shows that users discuss the battery-related issues (energy inefficiency or energy consumption) of the apps in their reviews. However, there is no work that addresses the automatic extraction of battery-related issues from users' feedback. In this paper, we report on a visualization tool that is developed to empirically study machine learning algorithms and text features to automatically identify the energy consumption specific reviews with the highest accuracy. Other than the common machine learning algorithms, we utilize deep learning models with different word embeddings to compare the results. Furthermore, to help the developers extract the main topics that are discussed in the reviews, two states of the art topic modeling algorithms are applied. The visualizations of the topics represent the keywords that are extracted for each topic along with a comparison with the results of string matching. The developed web-browser based interactive visualization tool is a novel framework developed with the intention of giving the app developers insights about running time and accuracy of machine learning and deep learning models as well as extracted topics. The tool makes it easier for the developers to traverse through the extensive result set generated by the text classification and topic modeling algorithms. The dynamic-data structure used for the tool stores the baseline-results of the discussed approaches and is updated when applied on new datasets. The tool is open-sourced to replicate the research results.


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