SAFER: Situation Aware Facial Emotion Recognition

by   Mijanur Palash, et al.

In this paper, we present SAFER, a novel system for emotion recognition from facial expressions. It employs state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to extract various features from facial images and incorporates contextual information, such as background and location type, to enhance its performance. The system has been designed to operate in an open-world setting, meaning it can adapt to unseen and varied facial expressions, making it suitable for real-world applications. An extensive evaluation of SAFER against existing works in the field demonstrates improved performance, achieving an accuracy of 91.4 novelty such as face masks during the Covid-19 pandemic on facial emotion recognition and critically examines the limitations of mainstream facial expressions datasets. To address these limitations, a novel dataset for facial emotion recognition is proposed. The proposed dataset and the system are expected to be useful for various applications such as human-computer interaction, security, and surveillance.


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