Sample-Efficient and Surrogate-Based Design Optimization of Underwater Vehicle Hulls
Physics simulations are a computational bottleneck in computer-aided design (CAD) optimization processes. Hence, in order to make accurate (computationally expensive) simulations feasible for use in design optimization, one requires either an optimization framework that is highly sample-efficient or fast data-driven proxies (surrogate models) for long running simulations. In this work, we leverage recent advances in optimization and artificial intelligence (AI) to address both of these potential solutions, in the context of designing an optimal unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). We first investigate and compare the sample efficiency and convergence behavior of different optimization techniques with a standard computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver in the optimization loop. We then develop a deep neural network (DNN) based surrogate model to approximate drag forces that would otherwise be computed via direct numerical simulation with the CFD solver. The surrogate model is in turn used in the optimization loop of the hull design. Our study finds that the Bayesian Optimization Lower Condition Bound (BO LCB) algorithm is the most sample-efficient optimization framework and has the best convergence behavior of those considered. Subsequently, we show that our DNN-based surrogate model predicts drag force on test data in tight agreement with CFD simulations, with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 1.85 demonstrate a two-orders-of-magnitude speedup (with comparable accuracy) for the design optimization process when the surrogate model is used. To our knowledge, this is the first study applying Bayesian optimization and DNN-based surrogate modeling to the problem of UUV design optimization, and we share our developments as open-source software.