Sample-Efficient On-Policy Imitation Learning from Observations

by   Joao A. Candido Ramos, et al.

Imitation learning from demonstrations (ILD) aims to alleviate numerous shortcomings of reinforcement learning through the use of demonstrations. However, in most real-world applications, expert action guidance is absent, making the use of ILD impossible. Instead, we consider imitation learning from observations (ILO), where no expert actions are provided, making it a significantly more challenging problem to address. Existing methods often employ on-policy learning, which is known to be sample-costly. This paper presents SEILO, a novel sample-efficient on-policy algorithm for ILO, that combines standard adversarial imitation learning with inverse dynamics modeling. This approach enables the agent to receive feedback from both the adversarial procedure and a behavior cloning loss. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed algorithm requires fewer interactions with the environment to achieve expert performance compared to other state-of-the-art on-policy ILO and ILD methods.


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