Searching for the Essence of Adversarial Perturbations

by   Dennis Y. Menn, et al.

Neural networks have achieved the state-of-the-art performance in various machine learning fields, yet the incorporation of malicious perturbations with input data (adversarial example) is shown to fool neural networks' predictions. This would lead to potential risks for real-world applications such as endangering autonomous driving and messing up text identification. To mitigate such risks, an understanding of how adversarial examples operate is critical, which however remains unresolved. Here we demonstrate that adversarial perturbations contain human-recognizable information, which is the key conspirator responsible for a neural network's erroneous prediction, in contrast to a widely discussed argument that human-imperceptible information plays the critical role in fooling a network. This concept of human-recognizable information allows us to explain key features related to adversarial perturbations, including the existence of adversarial examples, the transferability among different neural networks, and the increased neural network interpretability for adversarial training. Two unique properties in adversarial perturbations that fool neural networks are uncovered: masking and generation. A special class, the complementary class, is identified when neural networks classify input images. The human-recognizable information contained in adversarial perturbations allows researchers to gain insight on the working principles of neural networks and may lead to develop techniques that detect/defense adversarial attacks.


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