SemTUI: a Framework for the Interactive Semantic Enrichment of Tabular Data

by   Marco Ripamonti, et al.

The large availability of datasets fosters the use of ml and ai technologies to gather insights, study trends, and predict unseen behaviours out of the world of data. Today, gathering and integrating data from different sources is mainly a manual activity that requires the knowledge of expert users at an high cost in terms of both time and money. It is, therefore, necessary to make the process of gathering and linking data from many different sources affordable to make datasets ready to perform the desired analysis. In this work, we propose the development of a comprehensive framework, named SemTUI, to make the enrichment process flexible, complete, and effective through the use of semantics. The approach is to promote fast integration of external services to perform enrichment tasks such as reconciliation and extension; and to provide users with a graphical interface to support additional tasks, such as refinement to correct ambiguous results provided by automatic enrichment algorithms. A task-driven user evaluation proved SemTUI to be understandable, usable, and capable of achieving table enrichment with little effort and time with user tests that involved people with different skills and experiences.


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