Sentiment Analysis with R: Natural Language Processing for Semi-Automated Assessments of Qualitative Data

by   Dennis Klinkhammer, et al.

Sentiment analysis is a sub-discipline in the field of natural language processing and computational linguistics and can be used for automated or semi-automated analyses of text documents. One of the aims of these analyses is to recognize an expressed attitude as positive or negative as it can be contained in comments on social media platforms or political documents and speeches as well as fictional and nonfictional texts. Regarding analyses of comments on social media platforms, this is an extension of the previous tutorial on semi-automated screenings of social media network data. A longitudinal perspective regarding social media comments as well as cross-sectional perspectives regarding fictional and nonfictional texts, e.g. entire books and libraries, can lead to extensive text documents. Their analyses can be simplified and accelerated by using sentiment analysis with acceptable inter-rater reliability. Therefore, this tutorial introduces the basic functions for performing a sentiment analysis with R and explains how text documents can be analysed step by step - regardless of their underlying formatting. All prerequisites and steps are described in detail and associated codes are available on GitHub. A comparison of two political speeches illustrates a possible use case.


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