Shift-Equivariant Similarity-Preserving Hypervector Representations of Sequences

by   Dmitri A. Rachkovskij, et al.

Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC), also known as Vector-Symbolic Architectures (VSA), is a promising framework for the development of cognitive architectures and artificial intelligence systems, as well as for technical applications and emerging neuromorphic and nanoscale hardware. HDC/VSA operate with hypervectors, i.e., distributed vector representations of large fixed dimension (usually > 1000). One of the key ingredients of HDC/VSA are the methods for encoding data of various types (from numeric scalars and vectors to graphs) into hypervectors. In this paper, we propose an approach for the formation of hypervectors of sequences that provides both an equivariance with respect to the shift of sequences and preserves the similarity of sequences with identical elements at nearby positions. Our methods represent the sequence elements by compositional hypervectors and exploit permutations of hypervectors for representing the order of sequence elements. We experimentally explored the proposed representations using a diverse set of tasks with data in the form of symbolic strings. Although our approach is feature-free as it forms the hypervector of a sequence from the hypervectors of its symbols at their positions, it demonstrated the performance on a par with the methods that apply various features, such as subsequences. The proposed techniques were designed for the HDC/VSA model known as Sparse Binary Distributed Representations. However, they can be adapted to hypervectors in formats of other HDC/VSA models, as well as for representing sequences of types other than symbolic strings.


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