Simulating and reporting frequentist operating characteristics of clinical trials that borrow external information

by   Annette Kopp-Schneider*, et al.

Borrowing of information from historical or external data to inform inference in a current trial is an expanding field in the era of precision medicine, where trials are often performed in small patient cohorts for practical or ethical reasons. Many approaches for borrowing from external data have been proposed. Even though these methods are mainly based on Bayesian approaches by incorporating external information into the prior for the current analysis, frequentist operating characteristics of the analysis strategy are of interest. In particular, type I error and power at a prespecified point alternative are in the focus. It is well-known that borrowing from external information may lead to the alteration of type I error rate. We propose a procedure to investigate and report the frequentist operating characteristics in this context. The approach evaluates type I error rate of the test with borrowing from external data and calibrates the test without borrowing to this type I error rate. On this basis, a fair comparison of power between the test with and without borrowing is achieved.


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