Simulating Multi-channel Wind Noise Based on the Corcos Model

by   Daniele Mirabilii, et al.

A novel multi-channel artificial wind noise generator based on a fluid dynamics model, namely the Corcos model, is proposed. In particular, the model is used to approximate the complex coherence function of wind noise signals measured with closely-spaced microphones in the free-field and for time-invariant wind stream direction and speed. Preliminary experiments focus on a spatial analysis of recorded wind noise signals and the validation of the Corcos model for diverse measurement set-ups. Subsequently, the Corcos model is used to synthetically generate wind noise signals exhibiting the desired complex coherence. The multi-channel generator is designed extending an existing single-channel generator to create N mutually uncorrelated signals, while the predefined complex coherence function is obtained exploiting an algorithm developed to generate multi-channel non-stationary noise signals under a complex coherence constraint. Temporal, spectral and spatial characteristics of synthetic signals match with those observed in measured wind noise. The artificial generation overcomes the time-consuming challenge of collecting pure wind noise samples for noise reduction evaluations and provides flexibility in the number of generated signals used in the simulations.


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