Small Cell Association with Networked Flying Platforms: Novel Algorithms and Performance Bounds

by   Syed Awais Wahab Shah, et al.

Fifth generation (5G) and beyond-5G (B5G) systems expect coverage and capacity enhancements along with the consideration of limited power, cost and spectrum. Densification of small cells (SCs) is a promising approach to cater these demands of 5G and B5G systems. However, such an ultra dense network of SCs requires provision of smart backhaul and fronthaul networks. In this paper, we employ a scalable idea of using networked flying platforms (NFPs) as aerial hubs to provide fronthaul connectivity to the SCs. We consider the association problem of SCs and NFPs in a SC network and study the effect of practical constraints related to the system and NFPs. Mainly, we show that the association problem is related to the generalized assignment problem (GAP). Using this relation with the GAP, we show the NP-hard complexity of the association problem and further derive an upper bound for the maximum achievable sum data rate. Linear Programming relaxation of the problem is also studied to compare the results with the derived bounds. Finally, two efficient (less complex) greedy solutions of the association problem are presented, where one of them is a distributed solution and the other one is its centralized version. Numerical results show a favorable performance of the presented algorithms with respect to the exhaustive search and derived bounds. The computational complexity comparison of the algorithms with the exhaustive search is also presented to show that the presented algorithms can be practically implemented.


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