Software supply chain: review of attacks, risk assessment strategies and security controls

by   Betul Gokkaya, et al.

The software product is a source of cyber-attacks that target organizations by using their software supply chain as a distribution vector. As the reliance of software projects on open-source or proprietary modules is increasing drastically, SSC is becoming more and more critical and, therefore, has attracted the interest of cyber attackers. While existing studies primarily focus on software supply chain attacks' prevention and detection methods, there is a need for a broad overview of attacks and comprehensive risk assessment for software supply chain security. This study conducts a systematic literature review to fill this gap. We analyze the most common software supply chain attacks by providing the latest trend of analyzed attacks, and we identify the security risks for open-source and third-party software supply chains. Furthermore, this study introduces unique security controls to mitigate analyzed cyber-attacks and risks by linking them with real-life security incidence and attacks.


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