Speeding-up Age Estimation in Intelligent Demographics System via Network Optimization

by   Zhenzhen Hui, et al.

Age estimation is a difficult task which requires the automatic detection and interpretation of facial features. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have made remarkable improvement on learning age patterns from benchmark datasets. However, for a face "in the wild" (from a video frame or Internet), the existing algorithms are not as accurate as for a frontal and neutral face. In addition, with the increasing number of in-the-wild aging data, the computation speed of existing deep learning platforms becomes another crucial issue. In this paper, we propose a high-efficient age estimation system with joint optimization of age estimation algorithm and deep learning system. Cooperated with the city surveillance network, this system can provide age group analysis for intelligent demographics. First, we build a three-tier fog computing architecture including an edge, a fog and a cloud layer, which directly processes age estimation from raw videos. Second, we optimize the age estimation algorithm based on CNNs with label distribution and K-L divergence distance embedded in the fog layer and evaluate the model on the latest wild aging dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that: 1. our system collects the demographics data dynamically at far-distance without contact, and makes the city population analysis automatically; and 2. the age model training has been speed-up without losing training progress or model quality. To our best knowledge, this is the first intelligent demographics system which has potential applications in improving the efficiency of smart cities and urban living.


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