Spherical Discrepancy Minimization and Algorithmic Lower Bounds for Covering the Sphere

by   Chris Jones, et al.

Inspired by the boolean discrepancy problem, we study the following optimization problem which we term Spherical Discrepancy: given m unit vectors v_1, ..., v_m, find another unit vector x that minimizes max_i 〈 x, v_i〉. We show that Spherical Discrepancy is APX-hard and develop a multiplicative weights-based algorithm that achieves nearly optimal worst-case error bounds. We use our algorithm to give the first non-trivial lower bounds for the problem of covering a hypersphere by hyperspherical caps of uniform volume at least 2^-o(√(n)), and to give a lower bound for covering a Gaussian random variable by equal-sized halfspaces. Up to a log factor, our lower bounds match known upper bounds in this regime. Finally, we show how to modify our algorithm to solve a natural version of the Komlós problem for the spherical setting.


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