Stability Constrained Mobile Manipulation Planning on Rough Terrain

by   Jiazhi Song, et al.

This paper presents a framework that allows online dynamic-stability-constrained optimal trajectory planning of a mobile manipulator robot working on rough terrain. First, the kinematics model of a mobile manipulator robot, and the Zero Moment Point (ZMP) stability measure are presented as theoretical background. Then, a sampling-based quasi-static planning algorithm modified for stability guarantee and traction optimization in continuous dynamic motion is presented along with a mathematical proof. The robot's quasi-static path is then used as an initial guess to warm-start a nonlinear optimal control solver which may otherwise have difficulties finding a solution to the stability-constrained formulation efficiently. The performance and computational efficiency of the framework are demonstrated through an application to a simulated timber harvesting mobile manipulator machine working on varying terrain. The results demonstrate feasibility of online trajectory planning on varying terrain while satisfying the dynamic stability constraint.


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