Stackelberg Game Approaches for Anti-jamming Defence in Wireless Networks

by   Luliang Jia, et al.

This article investigates the anti-jamming communications problem in wireless networks from a Stackelberg game perspective. By exploring and analyzing the inherent characteristics of the anti-jamming problem, we present and discuss some technical challenges and fundamental requirements to address them. To be specific, the adversarial characteristic, incomplete information constraints, dynamics, uncertainty, dense deployment, and heterogeneous feature bring technical challenges to anti-jamming communications in wireless networks. Then, for the purpose of improving system performance, four requirements for anti-jamming communications are presented and discussed. Following the advantages of the Stackelberg game model in anti-jamming field, we formulate an anti-jamming decision-making framework based on the Stackelberg game for anti-jamming defence in wireless networks. Moreover, two preliminary case studies are presented and discussed for better understanding of the anti-jamming Stackelberg game problem. Finally, some future research directions are also provided.


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