Statistical Simulator for the Engine Knock

by   Xun Shen, et al.

This paper proposes a statistical simulator for the engine knock based on the Mixture Density Network (MDN) and the accept-reject method. The proposed simulator can generate the random knock intensity signal corresponding to the input signal. The generated knock intensity has a consistent probability distribution with the real engine. Firstly, the statistical analysis is conducted with the experimental data. From the analysis results, some important assumptions on the statistical properties of the knock intensity are made. Regarding the knock intensity as a random variable on the discrete-time index, it is independent and identically distributed if the input of the engine is identical. The probability distribution of the knock intensity under identical input can be approximated by the Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM). The parameter of the GMM is a function of the input. Based on these assumptions, two sub-problems for establishing the statistical simulator are formulated: One is to approximate the function from input to the parameters of the knock intensity distribution with an absolutely continuous function; The other one is to design a random number generator that outputs the random data consistent with the given distribution. The MDN is applied to approximate the probability density of the knock intensity and the accept-reject algorithm is used for the random number generator design. The proposed method is evaluated in experimental data-based validation.


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