Sum of Three Cubes via Optimisation

by   Boian Lazov, et al.

By first solving the equation x^3+y^3+z^3=k with fixed k for z and then considering the distance to the nearest integer function of the result, we turn the sum of three cubes problem into an optimisation one. We then apply three stochastic optimisation algorithms to this function in the case with k=2, where there are many known solutions. The goal is to test the effectiveness of the method in searching for integer solutions. The algorithms are a modification of particle swarm optimisation and two implementations of simulated annealing. We want to compare their effectiveness as measured by the running times of the algorithms. To this end, we model the time data by assuming two underlying probability distributions – exponential and log-normal, and calculate some numerical characteristics for them. Finally, we evaluate the statistical distinguishability of our models with respect to the geodesic distance in the manifold with the corresponding Fisher information metric.


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