The Calissons Puzzle

by   Jean-Marie Favreau, et al.

In 2022, Olivier Longuet, a French mathematics teacher, created a game called the calissons puzzle. Given a triangular grid in a hexagon and some given edges of the grid, the problem is to find a calisson tiling such that no input edge is overlapped and calissons adjacent to an input edge have different orientations. We extend the puzzle to regions R that are not necessarily hexagonal. The first interesting property of this puzzle is that, unlike the usual calisson or domino problems, it is solved neither by a maximal matching algorithm, nor by Thurston's algorithm. This raises the question of its complexity. We prove that if the region R is finite and simply connected, then the puzzle can be solved by an algorithm that we call the advancing surface algorithm and whose complexity is O(|∂ R|^3) where ∂ R| is the size of the boundary of the region R. In the case where the region is the entire infinite triangular grid, we prove that the existence of a solution can be solved with an algorithm of complexity O(|X|^3) where X is the set of input edges. To prove these theorems, we revisit William Thurston's results on the calisson tilability of a region R. The solutions involve equivalence between calisson tilings, stepped surfaces and certain DAG cuts that avoid passing through a set of edges that we call unbreakable. It allows us to generalize Thurston's theorem characterizing tilable regions by rewriting it in terms of descending paths or absorbing cycles. Thurston's algorithm appears as a distance calculation algorithm following Dijkstra's paradigm. The introduction of a set X of interior edges introduces negative weights that force a Bellman-Ford strategy to be preferred. These results extend Thurston's legacy by using computer science structures and algorithms.


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