The Hybrid Service Model of Electronic Resources Access in the Cloud-Based Learning Environment

by   Mariya Shyshkina, et al.

Nowadays, the search for innovative technological solutions to the organization of access to electronic learning resources in the university and their configuration within the environment to fit the needs of users and to improve learning outcomes has become key issues. These solutions are based on the emerging tools among which cloud computing and ICT outsourcing have become very promising and important trends in research. The problems of providing access to electronic learning resources on the basis of cloud computing are the focus of the article. The article outlines the conceptual framework of the study by reviewing existing approaches and models for the cloud-based learning environment's architecture and design, including its advantages and disadvantages, and the features of its pedagogical application and the experience of it. The hybrid service model of access to learning resources within the university environment is described and proved. An empirical estimation of the proposed approach and current developments in its implementation are provided.


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