The ICML 2022 Expressive Vocalizations Workshop and Competition: Recognizing, Generating, and Personalizing Vocal Bursts

by   Alice Baird, et al.

The ICML Expressive Vocalization (ExVo) Competition is focused on understanding and generating vocal bursts: laughs, gasps, cries, and other non-verbal vocalizations that are central to emotional expression and communication. ExVo 2022, includes three competition tracks using a large-scale dataset of 59,201 vocalizations from 1,702 speakers. The first, ExVo-MultiTask, requires participants to train a multi-task model to recognize expressed emotions and demographic traits from vocal bursts. The second, ExVo-Generate, requires participants to train a generative model that produces vocal bursts conveying ten different emotions. The third, ExVo-FewShot, requires participants to leverage few-shot learning incorporating speaker identity to train a model for the recognition of 10 emotions conveyed by vocal bursts. This paper describes the three tracks and provides performance measures for baseline models using state-of-the-art machine learning strategies. The baseline for each track is as follows, for ExVo-MultiTask, a combined score, computing the harmonic mean of Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC), Unweighted Average Recall (UAR), and inverted Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (S_MTL) is at best, 0.335 S_MTL; for ExVo-Generate, we report Fréchet inception distance (FID) scores ranging from 4.81 to 8.27 (depending on the emotion) between the training set and generated samples. We then combine the inverted FID with perceptual ratings of the generated samples (S_Gen) and obtain 0.174 S_Gen; and for ExVo-FewShot, a mean CCC of 0.444 is obtained.


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