The Invariant Ground Truth of Affect

by   Konstantinos Makantasis, et al.

Affective computing strives to unveil the unknown relationship between affect elicitation, manifestation of affect and affect annotations. The ground truth of affect, however, is predominately attributed to the affect labels which inadvertently include biases inherent to the subjective nature of emotion and its labeling. The response to such limitations is usually augmenting the dataset with more annotations per data point; however, this is not possible when we are interested in self-reports via first-person annotation. Moreover, outlier detection methods based on inter-annotator agreement only consider the annotations themselves and ignore the context and the corresponding affect manifestation. This paper reframes the ways one may obtain a reliable ground truth of affect by transferring aspects of causation theory to affective computing. In particular, we assume that the ground truth of affect can be found in the causal relationships between elicitation, manifestation and annotation that remain invariant across tasks and participants. To test our assumption we employ causation inspired methods for detecting outliers in affective corpora and building affect models that are robust across participants and tasks. We validate our methodology within the domain of digital games, with experimental results showing that it can successfully detect outliers and boost the accuracy of affect models. To the best of our knowledge, this study presents the first attempt to integrate causation tools in affective computing, making a crucial and decisive step towards general affect modeling.


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