The Overlap Gap Property: a Geometric Barrier to Optimizing over Random Structures

by   David Gamarnik, et al.

The problem of optimizing over random structures emerges in many areas of science and engineering, ranging from statistical physics to machine learning and artificial intelligence. For many such structures finding optimal solutions by means of fast algorithms is not known and often is believed not possible. At the same time the formal hardness of these problems in form of say complexity-theoretic NP-hardness is lacking. In this introductory article a new approach for algorithmic intractability in random structures is described, which is based on the topological disconnectivity property of the set of pair-wise distances of near optimal solutions, called the Overlap Gap Property. The article demonstrates how this property a) emerges in most models known to exhibit an apparent algorithmic hardness b) is consistent with the hardness/tractability phase transition for many models analyzed to the day, and importantly c) allows to mathematically rigorously rule out large classes of algorithms as potential contenders, in particular the algorithms exhibiting the input stability (insensitivity).


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