The strong ring of simplicial complexes

by   Oliver Knill, et al.

We define a ring R of geometric objects G generated by finite abstract simplicial complexes. To every G belongs Hodge Laplacian H as the square of the Dirac operator determining its cohomology and a unimodular connection matrix L). The sum of the matrix entries of the inverse of L is the Euler characteristic. The spectra of H as well as inductive dimension add under multiplication while the spectra of L multiply. The nullity of the Hodge of H are the Betti numbers which can now be signed. The map assigning to G its Poincare polynomial is a ring homomorphism from R the polynomials. Especially the Euler characteristic is a ring homomorphism. Also Wu characteristic produces a ring homomorphism. The Kuenneth correspondence between cohomology groups is explicit as a basis for the product can be obtained from a basis of the factors. The product in R produces the strong product for the connection graphs and leads to tensor products of connection Laplacians. The strong ring R is also a subring of the full Stanley-Reisner ring S Every element G can be visualized by its Barycentric refinement graph G1 and its connection graph G'. Gauss-Bonnet, Poincare-Hopf or the Brouwer-Lefschetz extend to the strong ring. The isomorphism of R with a subring of the strong Sabidussi ring shows that the multiplicative primes in R are the simplicial complexes and that every connected element in the strong ring has a unique prime factorization. The Sabidussi ring is dual to the Zykov ring, in which the Zykov join is the addition. The connection Laplacian of the d-dimensional lattice remains invertible in the infinite volume limit: there is a mass gap in any dimension.


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