Triangle-creation processes on cubic graphs

by   Colin Cooper, et al.

An edge switch is an operation which makes a local change in a graph while maintaining the degree of every vertex. We introduce a switch move, called a triangle switch, which creates or deletes at least one triangle. Specifically, a make move is a triangle switch which chooses a path zwvxy of length 4 and replaces it by a triangle vxwv and an edge yz, while a break move performs the reverse operation. We consider various Markov chains which perform random triangle switches, and assume that every possible make or break move has positive probability of being performed. Our first result is that any such Markov chain is irreducible on the set of all 3-regular graphs with vertex set {1,2,..., n}. For a particular, natural Markov chain of this type, we obtain a non-trivial linear upper and lower bounds on the number of triangles in the long run. These bounds are almost surely obtained in linear time, irrespective of the starting graph.


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