Uniform, Integral and Feasible Proofs for the Determinant Identities

by   Iddo Tzameret, et al.

Aiming to provide weak as possible axiomatic assumptions in which one can develop basic linear algebra, we give a uniform and integral version of the short propositional proofs for the determinant identities demonstrated over GF(2) in Hrubes-Tzameret [SICOMP'15]. Specifically, we show that the multiplicativity of the determinant function and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem over the integers are provable in the bounded arithmetic theory VNC^2; the latter is a first-order theory corresponding to the complexity class NC^2 consisting of problems solvable by uniform families of polynomial-size circuits and O( ^2 n)-depth. This also establishes the existence of uniform polynomial-size NC^2-Frege proofs of the basic determinant identities over the integers (previous propositional proofs hold only over the two element field).


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