Using Sensory Time-cue to enable Unsupervised Multimodal Meta-learning

by   Qiong Liu, et al.

As data from IoT (Internet of Things) sensors become ubiquitous, state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms face many challenges on directly using sensor data. To overcome these challenges, methods must be designed to learn directly from sensors without manual annotations. This paper introduces Sensory Time-cue for Unsupervised Meta-learning (STUM). Different from traditional learning approaches that either heavily depend on labels or on time-independent feature extraction assumptions, such as Gaussian distribution features, the STUM system uses time relation of inputs to guide the feature space formation within and across modalities. The fact that STUM learns from a variety of small tasks may put this method in the camp of Meta-Learning. Different from existing Meta-Learning approaches, STUM learning tasks are composed within and across multiple modalities based on time-cue co-exist with the IoT streaming data. In an audiovisual learning example, because consecutive visual frames usually comprise the same object, this approach provides a unique way to organize features from the same object together. The same method can also organize visual object features with the object's spoken-name features together if the spoken name is presented with the object at about the same time. This cross-modality feature organization may further help the organization of visual features that belong to similar objects but acquired at different location and time. Promising results are achieved through evaluations.


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