Vision-based Target Pose Estimation with Multiple Markers for the Perching of UAVs

by   Truong-Dong Do, et al.

Autonomous Nano Aerial Vehicles have been increasingly popular in surveillance and monitoring operations due to their efficiency and maneuverability. Once a target location has been reached, drones do not have to remain active during the mission. It is possible for the vehicle to perch and stop its motors in such situations to conserve energy, as well as maintain a static position in unfavorable flying conditions. In the perching target estimation phase, the steady and accuracy of a visual camera with markers is a significant challenge. It is rapidly detectable from afar when using a large marker, but when the drone approaches, it quickly disappears as out of camera view. In this paper, a vision-based target poses estimation method using multiple markers is proposed to deal with the above-mentioned problems. First, a perching target with a small marker inside a larger one is designed to improve detection capability at wide and close ranges. Second, the relative poses of the flying vehicle are calculated from detected markers using a monocular camera. Next, a Kalman filter is applied to provide a more stable and reliable pose estimation, especially when the measurement data is missing due to unexpected reasons. Finally, we introduced an algorithm for merging the poses data from multi markers. The poses are then sent to the position controller to align the drone and the marker's center and steer it to perch on the target. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness and feasibility of the adopted approach. The drone can perch successfully onto the center of the markers with the attached 25mm-diameter rounded magnet.


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