
What is an Eigenfunction?

An eigenfunction is a non-zero function that, when acted upon by a given linear operator, produces a scalar multiple of itself. This scalar multiple is known as an eigenvalue. The term "eigenfunction" is derived from the German word "eigen," which can be translated as "own," "peculiar to," "characteristic," or "individual." In the context of mathematics and physics, eigenfunctions play a crucial role in various areas, including quantum mechanics, vibrations analysis, and many problems involving differential equations.

Understanding Eigenfunctions

To understand eigenfunctions, one must first understand the concept of a linear operator. A linear operator is a mathematical entity that takes a function as input and produces another function as output, following the principles of linearity (additivity and homogeneity). A common example of a linear operator in differential equations is the derivative operator.

The formal definition of an eigenfunction for a linear operator L is a function f(x) that satisfies the equation:

L[f(x)] = λf(x)


  • L is a linear operator.
  • f(x) is the eigenfunction.
  • λ is the eigenvalue, a scalar.

For an eigenfunction f(x) with an associated eigenvalue λ, applying the operator L to f(x) simply scales f(x) by the factor λ without altering its function form.

Examples of Eigenfunctions

One of the most common examples of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues comes from the Sturm-Liouville problem, which involves a second-order differential operator. In quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation is used to find the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian operator, which correspond to the stationary states of a quantum system. The eigenvalues in this case represent the energy levels of the system.

In the field of Fourier analysis, the sine and cosine functions are eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform operator, with complex exponential eigenvalues. This property is fundamental to the analysis and understanding of signals and systems in engineering.

Properties of Eigenfunctions

Eigenfunctions have several important properties:

  • Linearity: If f(x) and g(x) are eigenfunctions of an operator L with the same eigenvalue, then their linear combination af(x) + bg(x) is also an eigenfunction with the same eigenvalue, where a and b are scalars.
  • Orthogonality: Under certain conditions, eigenfunctions corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal to each other with respect to an inner product defined on the function space.
  • Completeness: In many problems, the set of eigenfunctions forms a complete basis for the space of functions under consideration, meaning that any function in that space can be expressed as a sum or integral of the eigenfunctions.
  • Normalization: Eigenfunctions can often be normalized to have a unit norm, which is particularly useful in quantum mechanics where the eigenfunctions represent probability amplitudes.

Applications of Eigenfunctions

Eigenfunctions have widespread applications across various disciplines:

  • In quantum mechanics, eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian operator describe the stationary states of quantum systems, and their eigenvalues represent observable quantities such as energy.
  • In vibration analysis and acoustics, eigenfunctions describe the normal modes of vibrating systems, such as strings, membranes, and solids.
  • In signal processing, eigenfunctions of linear systems are used to understand and design filters and to solve differential equations that model physical systems.
  • In partial differential equations, eigenfunctions are used in the separation of variables technique to solve problems in mathematical physics and engineering.


Eigenfunctions are a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics that provide a powerful tool for solving a wide range of problems involving linear operators. They offer a way to decompose complex systems into simpler, characteristic components, making them invaluable in both theoretical and applied contexts.

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