Driven by the games community, virtual reality setups have lately evolve...
On a journey, a backpack is a perfect place to store and organize the
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are capable of solving complex problems in
Using virtual reality setups, users can fade out of their surroundings a...
In early 2020, the virus SARS-CoV-2 evolved into a new pandemic, forcing...
Watching others play is a key ingredient of digital games and an importa...
Dense flow visualization is a popular visualization paradigm. Traditiona...
Virtual reality (VR) games are gradually becoming more elaborated and
In virtual reality games, players dive into fictional environments and c...
Virtual reality setups are particularly suited to create a tight bond be...
Virtual reality offers the unique possibility to experience a virtual
The amount of visual communication we are facing is rapidly increasing, ...
Visualizations rely on highlighting to attract and guide our attention. ...