A bio-inspired implementation of a sparse-learning spike-based hippocampus memory model

by   Daniel Casanueva-Morato, et al.

The nervous system, more specifically, the brain, is capable of solving complex problems simply and efficiently, far surpassing modern computers. In this regard, neuromorphic engineering is a research field that focuses on mimicking the basic principles that govern the brain in order to develop systems that achieve such computational capabilities. Within this field, bio-inspired learning and memory systems are still a challenge to be solved, and this is where the hippocampus is involved. It is the region of the brain that acts as a short-term memory, allowing the learning and unstructured and rapid storage of information from all the sensory nuclei of the cerebral cortex and its subsequent recall. In this work, we propose a novel bio-inspired memory model based on the hippocampus with the ability to learn memories, recall them from a cue (a part of the memory associated with the rest of the content) and even forget memories when trying to learn others with the same cue. This model has been implemented on the SpiNNaker hardware platform using Spiking Neural Networks, and a set of experiments and tests were performed to demonstrate its correct and expected operation. The proposed spike-based memory model generates spikes only when it receives an input, being energy efficient, and it needs 7 timesteps for the learning step and 6 timesteps for recalling a previously-stored memory. This work presents the first hardware implementation of a fully functional bio-inspired spike-based hippocampus memory model, paving the road for the development of future more complex neuromorphic systems.


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