A computational periporomechanics model for localized failure in unsaturated porous media

by   Shashank Menon, et al.

We implement a computational periporomechanics model for simulating localized failure in unsaturated porous media. The coupled periporomechanics model is based on the peridynamic state concept and the effective force state concept. The coupled governing equations are integral-differential equations without assuming the continuity of solid displacement and fluid pressures. The fluid flow and effective force states are determined by nonlocal fluid pressure and deformation gradients through the recently formulated multiphase constitutive correspondence principle. The coupled peri-poromechanics is implemented numerically for high-performance computing by an implicit multiphase meshfree method utilizing the message passing interface. The numerical implementation is validated by simulating classical poromechanics problems and comparing the numerical results with analytical solutions and experimental data. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the robustness of the fully coupled peri-poromechanics in modeling localized failures in unsaturated porous media.


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