A Digital Delay Model Supporting Large Adversarial Delay Variations

by   Daniel Öhlinger, et al.

Dynamic digital timing analysis is a promising alternative to analog simulations for verifying particularly timing-critical parts of a circuit. A necessary prerequisite is a digital delay model, which allows to accurately predict the input-to-output delay of a given transition in the input signal(s) of a gate. Since all existing digital delay models for dynamic digital timing analysis are deterministic, however, they cannot cover delay fluctuations caused by PVT variations, aging and analog signal noise. The only exception known to us is the η-IDM introduced by Függer et al. at DATE'18, which allows to add (very) small adversarially chosen delay variations to the deterministic involution delay model, without endangering its faithfulness. In this paper, we show that it is possible to extend the range of allowed delay variations so significantly that realistic PVT variations and aging are covered by the resulting extended η-IDM.


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