A multi-modal sensor dataset for continuous stress detection of nurses in a hospital

by   Seyedmajid Hosseini, et al.

Advances in wearable technologies provide the opportunity to continuously monitor many physiological variables. Stress detection has gained increased attention in recent years, especially because early stress detection can help individuals better manage health to minimize the negative impacts of long-term stress exposure. This paper provides a unique stress detection dataset that was created in a natural working environment in a hospital. This dataset is a collection of biometric data of nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak. Studying stress "in the wild" in a work environment is complex due to the influence of many social, cultural and individuals experience in dealing with stressful conditions. In order to address these concerns, we captured both the physiological data and associated context pertaining to the stress events. Specific physiological variables that were monitored included electrodermal activity, heart rate, skin temperature, and accelerometer data of the nurse subjects. A periodic smartphone-administered survey also captured the contributing factors for the detected stress events. A database containing the signals, stress events, and survey responses is available upon request.


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