A Multi-task Framework for Infrared Small Target Detection and Segmentation

by   Yuhang Chen, et al.

Due to the complicated background and noise of infrared images, infrared small target detection is one of the most difficult problems in the field of computer vision. In most existing studies, semantic segmentation methods are typically used to achieve better results. The centroid of each target is calculated from the segmentation map as the detection result. In contrast, we propose a novel end-to-end framework for infrared small target detection and segmentation in this paper. First, with the use of UNet as the backbone to maintain resolution and semantic information, our model can achieve a higher detection accuracy than other state-of-the-art methods by attaching a simple anchor-free head. Then, a pyramid pool module is used to further extract features and improve the precision of target segmentation. Next, we use semantic segmentation tasks that pay more attention to pixel-level features to assist in the training process of object detection, which increases the average precision and allows the model to detect some targets that were previously not detectable. Furthermore, we develop a multi-task framework for infrared small target detection and segmentation. Our multi-task learning model reduces complexity by nearly half and speeds up inference by nearly twice compared to the composite single-task model, while maintaining accuracy. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/Chenastron/MTUNet.


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