A Permit-Based Optimistic Byzantine Ledger

by   Roland Schmid, et al.

PermitBFT solves the byzantine consensus problem for n nodes tolerating up to f < n/3 byzantine nodes in the partially synchronous networking model; it is the first BFT protocol to achieve an optimistic latency of just 2 message delays despite tolerating byzantine failures throughout the "fast track". The design of PermitBFT relies on two fundamental concepts. First, in PermitBFT the participating nodes do not wait for a distinguished leader to act and subsequently confirm its actions, but send permits to the next designated block creator proactively. Second, PermitBFT achieves a separation of the decision powers that are usually concentrated on a single leader node. A block creator controls which transactions to include in a new block, but not where to append the block in the block graph.


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