A Review of AI-enabled Routing Protocols for UAV Networks: Trends, Challenges, and Future Outlook

by   Arnau Rovira-Sugranes, et al.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), as a recently emerging technology, enabled a new breed of unprecedented applications in different domains. This technology's ongoing trend is departing from large remotely-controlled drones to networks of small autonomous drones to collectively complete intricate tasks time and cost-effectively. An important challenge is developing efficient sensing, communication, and control algorithms that can accommodate the requirements of highly dynamic UAV networks with heterogeneous mobility levels. Recently, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning-based networking has gained momentum to harness the learning power of cognizant nodes to make more intelligent networking decisions. An important example of this trend is developing learning-powered routing protocols, where machine learning methods are used to model and predict topology evolution, channel status, traffic mobility, and environmental factors for enhanced routing. This paper reviews AI-enabled routing protocols designed primarily for aerial networks, with an emphasis on accommodating highly-dynamic network topology. To this end, we review the basics of UAV technology, different approaches to swarm formation, and commonly-used mobility models, along with their impact on networking paradigms. We proceed with reviewing conventional and AI-enabled routing protocols, including topology-predictive and self-adaptive learning-based routing algorithms. We also discuss tools, simulation environments, remote experimentation platforms, and public datasets that can be used for developing and testing AI-enabled networking protocols for UAV networks. We conclude by presenting future trends, and the remaining challenges in AI-based UAV Networking, for different aspects of routing, connectivity, topology control, security and privacy, energy efficiency, and spectrum sharing.


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