A SentiWordNet Strategy for Curriculum Learning in Sentiment Analysis

by   Vijjini Anvesh Rao, et al.

Curriculum Learning (CL) is the idea that learning on a training set sequenced or ordered in a manner where samples range from easy to difficult, results in an increment in performance over otherwise random ordering. The idea parallels cognitive science's theory of how human brains learn, and that learning a difficult task can be made easier by phrasing it as a sequence of easy to difficult tasks. This idea has gained a lot of traction in machine learning and image processing for a while and recently in Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this paper, we apply the ideas of curriculum learning, driven by SentiWordNet in a sentiment analysis setting. In this setting, given a text segment, our aim is to extract its sentiment or polarity. SentiWordNet is a lexical resource with sentiment polarity annotations. By comparing performance with other curriculum strategies and with no curriculum, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is presented. Convolutional, Recurrence, and Attention-based architectures are employed to assess this improvement. The models are evaluated on a standard sentiment dataset, Stanford Sentiment Treebank.


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