A simple method for measuring inequality

by   Thitithep Sitthiyot, et al.

To simultaneously overcome the limitation of the Gini index in that it is less sensitive to inequality at the tails of income distribution and the limitation of the inter-decile ratios that ignore inequality in the middle of income distribution, an inequality index is introduced. It comprises three indicators, namely, the Gini index, the income share held by the top 10 the income share held by the bottom 10 and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Income Distribution Database between 2005 and 2015 are used to demonstrate how the inequality index works. The results show that it can distinguish income inequality among countries that share the same Gini index but have different income gaps between the top 10 income inequality among countries that have the same ratio of income share held by the top 10 of the Gini index. In addition, the inequality index could capture the dynamics where the Gini index of a country is stable over time but the ratio of income share of the top 10 Furthermore, the inequality index could be applied to other scientific disciplines as a measure of statistical heterogeneity and for size distributions of any non-negative quantities.


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