A survey on the parameterized complexity of the independent set and (connected) dominating set reconfiguration problems

by   Nicolas Bousquet, et al.

A graph vertex-subset problem defines which subsets of the vertices of an input graph are feasible solutions. We view a feasible solution as a set of tokens placed on the vertices of the graph. A reconfiguration variant of a vertex-subset problem asks, given two feasible solutions of size k, whether it is possible to transform one into the other by a sequence of token slides (along edges of the graph) or token jumps (between arbitrary vertices of the graph) such that each intermediate set remains a feasible solution of size k. Many algorithmic questions present themselves in the form of reconfiguration problems: Given the description of an initial system state and the description of a target state, is it possible to transform the system from its initial state into the target one while preserving certain properties of the system in the process? Such questions have received a substantial amount of attention under the so-called combinatorial reconfiguration framework. We consider reconfiguration variants of three fundamental underlying graph vertex-subset problems, namely Independent Set, Dominating Set, and Connected Dominating Set. We survey both older and more recent work on the parameterized complexity of all three problems when parameterized by the number of tokens k. The emphasis will be on positive results and the most common techniques for the design of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms.


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