A transformer-based method for zero and few-shot biomedical named entity recognition

by   Miloš Košprdić, et al.

Supervised named entity recognition (NER) in the biomedical domain is dependent on large sets of annotated texts with the given named entities, whose creation can be time-consuming and expensive. Furthermore, the extraction of new entities often requires conducting additional annotation tasks and retraining the model. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a transformer-based method for zero- and few-shot NER in the biomedical domain. The method is based on transforming the task of multi-class token classification into binary token classification (token contains the searched entity or does not contain the searched entity) and pre-training on a larger amount of datasets and biomedical entities, from where the method can learn semantic relations between the given and potential classes. We have achieved average F1 scores of 35.44 for 10-shot NER, and 79.51 entities with PubMedBERT fine-tuned model. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for recognizing new entities with limited examples, with comparable or better results from the state-of-the-art zero- and few-shot NER methods.


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