A Variational Bayesian Inference-Inspired Unrolled Deep Network for MIMO Detection

by   Qian Wan, et al.

The great success of deep learning (DL) has inspired researchers to develop more accurate and efficient symbol detectors for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. Existing DL-based MIMO detectors, however, suffer several drawbacks. To address these issues, in this paper, we develop a modeldriven DL detector based on variational Bayesian inference. Specifically, the proposed unrolled DL architecture is inspired by an inverse-free variational Bayesian learning framework which circumvents matrix inversion via maximizing a relaxed evidence lower bound. Two networks are respectively developed for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian channels and arbitrarily correlated channels. The proposed networks, referred to as VBINet, have only a few learnable parameters and thus can be efficiently trained with a moderate amount of training samples. The proposed VBINet-based detectors can work in both offline and online training modes. An important advantage of our proposed networks over state-of-the-art MIMO detection networks such as OAMPNet and MMNet is that the VBINet can automatically learn the noise variance from data, thus yielding a significant performance improvement over the OAMPNet and MMNet in the presence of noise variance uncertainty. Simulation results show that the proposed VBINet-based detectors achieve competitive performance for both i.i.d. Gaussian and realistic 3GPP MIMO channels.


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