Action Grammars: A Cognitive Model for Learning Temporal Abstractions

by   Robert Tjarko Lange, et al.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning algorithms have successfully been applied to temporal credit assignment problems with sparse reward signals. However, state-of-the-art algorithms require manual specification of subtask structures, a sample inefficient exploration phase and lack semantic interpretability. Human infants, on the other hand, efficiently detect hierarchical sub-structures induced by their surroundings. In this work we propose a cognitive-inspired Reinforcement Learning architecture which uses grammar induction to identify sub-goal policies. More specifically, by treating an on-policy trajectory as a sentence sampled from the policy-conditioned language of the environment, we identify hierarchical constituents with the help of unsupervised grammatical inference. The resulting set of temporal abstractions is called action grammars (Pastra & Aloimonos, 2012) and can be used to enable efficient imitation, transfer and online learning.


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