Adaptive Learning Rate Clipping Stabilizes Learning

by   Jeffrey M. Ede, et al.

Artificial neural network training with stochastic gradient descent can be destabilized by "bad batches" with high losses. This is often problematic for training with small batch sizes, high order loss functions or unstably high learning rates. To stabilize learning, we have developed adaptive learning rate clipping (ALRC) to limit backpropagated losses to a number of standard deviations above their running means. ALRC is designed to complement existing learning algorithms: Our algorithm is computationally inexpensive, can be applied to any loss function or batch size, is robust to hyperparameter choices and does not affect backpropagated gradient distributions. Experiments with CIFAR-10 supersampling show that ALCR decreases errors for unstable mean quartic error training while stable mean squared error training is unaffected. We also show that ALRC decreases unstable mean squared errors for partial scanning transmission electron micrograph completion. Our source code is publicly available at


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