Adversarial ModSecurity: Countering Adversarial SQL Injections with Robust Machine Learning

by   Biagio Montaruli, et al.

ModSecurity is widely recognized as the standard open-source Web Application Firewall (WAF), maintained by the OWASP Foundation. It detects malicious requests by matching them against the Core Rule Set, identifying well-known attack patterns. Each rule in the CRS is manually assigned a weight, based on the severity of the corresponding attack, and a request is detected as malicious if the sum of the weights of the firing rules exceeds a given threshold. In this work, we show that this simple strategy is largely ineffective for detecting SQL injection (SQLi) attacks, as it tends to block many legitimate requests, while also being vulnerable to adversarial SQLi attacks, i.e., attacks intentionally manipulated to evade detection. To overcome these issues, we design a robust machine learning model, named AdvModSec, which uses the CRS rules as input features, and it is trained to detect adversarial SQLi attacks. Our experiments show that AdvModSec, being trained on the traffic directed towards the protected web services, achieves a better trade-off between detection and false positive rates, improving the detection rate of the vanilla version of ModSecurity with CRS by 21 our approach is able to improve its adversarial robustness against adversarial SQLi attacks by 42 and trustworthy WAFs.


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