Almost Everywhere Generalized Phase Retrieval

by   Meng Huang, et al.

The aim of generalized phase retrieval is to recover x∈F^d from the quadratic measurements x^*A_1x,...,x^*A_Nx, where A_j∈H_d(F) and F=R or C. In this paper, we study the matrix set A=(A_j)_j=1^N which has the almost everywhere phase retrieval property. For the case F=R, we show that N≥ d+1 generic matrices with prescribed ranks have almost everywhere phase retrieval property. We also extend this result to the case where A_1,...,A_N are orthogonal matrices and hence establish the almost everywhere phase retrieval property for the fusion frame phase retrieval. For the case where F=C, we obtain similar results under the assumption of N≥ 2d. We lower the measurement number d+1 (resp. 2d) with showing that there exist N=d (resp. 2d-1) matrices A_1,..., A_N∈H_d(R) (resp. H_d(C)) which have the almost everywhere phase retrieval property. Our results are an extension of almost everywhere phase retrieval from the standard phase retrieval to the general setting and the proofs are often based on some new ideas about determinant variety.


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